Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Annabelle is now at a healthy weight for her size...41 pounds! We put about 13 pounds on her. She eats wonderfully so long as I make what she likes. :)

Right now I am making  between 6-8 different meals a day. One breakfast for Amanda, one for Annabelle, one for Keegan...repeat for lunchtime and dinner (I get help from Todd for dinner). I also have to sit down to feed Amanda and Annabelle six times a day. Needless to say, I spend most of my day in the kitchen.

Please pray for Annabelle. My sweetie keeps getting ear infections. Two since she's been home. Right now she has ear infections in both ears. The doctor seems to think her teeth might have something to do with it. She's taking antibiotics and is scheduled for next Thursday to have her teeth completely fixed. Praise God! We saw the dentist today and he couldn't really get a look inside her mouth but saw enough to know they are nasty.

Annabelle will go under general anesthesia to have all her dental work done. At the same time an ENT will look in her ears to determine the exact cause of her ear infections. If needed he will place tubes.

That's all for now. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First let's praise our heavenly Father!!! Max has a family!!!

Thank you Lia for the heads up :)


When we brought Annabelle home she had one tiny little dimple.

She now has TWO dimples!

She's gained about 6 pounds since we brought her home!

I will try to get a picture of the dimples but the camera stresses her out and I don't want to stress her so I really apologize for the lack of pictures.
We are suspecting post traumatic stress disorder.

But on the flip side.
Annabelle is the most loving child.
She can't get enough of hugs and kisses. 
Her giggles fill our house all day long.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
I have to take a moment and advocate for this boy.


"Max is a 15 year old boy, begging to be adopted. He told an American family, “Get me out of here!”
He MUST BE ADOPTED before age 16, or he will never be able to be adopted.  He needs a family, NOW!
He is smart, gentle and well behaved. The other boys tease him as he has strabismus of the left eye and a slight limp that does not impair his mobility.
He would make a great son, please save him! He has brown hair and brown eyes, light skin, normal build. Video available."

The adoption of a child is a blessing so big it cannot be put into words. 
Please don't let fear stop you. 
This boy is fearful of never having a family. 
He begged an American family to get him out. You can be that family that gets him out of there.
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Annabelle likes banana's to say the least.

It's been a small challenge getting her to eat but I found that as long as everything tastes like banana, she'll eat it.

I bought 38.5 pounds of banana's to make baby food for her this week. She won't eat every single one of these banana's but she does eat about four to five banana's a day. I cover all her food in the taste of banana. Her food has to be the right color too or she will refuse it.

We're glad banana's are cheap and always in season! :)

Annabelle is doing so well. She is such a blessing. We can't stop thanking God for her.
She is also starting to realize that this is her new life and she is enjoying every minute of it!

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We're your average family. No fame or riches. We have our ups and downs. When it rains it pours but we always view the glass as half full. We go where our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ leads. We aren't perfect but we always try to do our best.

Annabelle. The one born in our hearts.

Kandice. Our artistic one.

Amanda. Our helpful one.

Keegan. Our curious one.

Jacob. Our sensitive one.
